Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunshine Blog Award

Jill sent me the Sunshine Blog Award a couple of weeks ago and I'm just now getting to publicly accepting the award and passing it along.  I have "known" Jill for a few years now since I've been following her blog, but once I started my blog she got the know me too and found out I was an accountant just like her :-).  She also has the honor of being the very first to leave a comment on my blog.

The rules for accepting this award are:
  1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
  2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers.  A great way to "meet" new bloggers!
  3. Link the nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.
Like Jill, I'm only going to pass the award to 6 other bloggers.

  1. Thelma - I discovered Thelma's blog a few months ago when she posted a picture of her former dog Simon.  We have been corresponding since then.  Thelma is a retired CPA so we have that in common in addition to quilting.  She produces great quilts and writes a great blog.
  2. Wanda - I found Wanda's blog by accident some time last year and felt I had found my soul sister with regard to my love of batiks and using up all of the little scraps that come with making quilts.  Wanda is extremely creative and generously shares her creativity and quilting knowledge through her blog.
  3. Allyson - I discovered Allyson's blog just recently and have enjoyed getting to know her and her two felines better through her blog posts.  She is an excellent writer, produces beautiful quilts, and has stunning pictures of the area in Alaska in which she lives.
  4. Vicky - Like Jill, I have been reading Vicky's blog for several years as they are both members of the Stash Quilts webring.  Vicky is also an accountant like me, and loves to buy fabric like I do, so we have a lot in common LOL.  She produces many great quilts and has a cute little dog named Penny.
  5. Susan - Susan's blog was another new blog discovery for me after I started my own blog in December.  She has a lot of posts that include her feline family members, so I'm sure that's how I first found her blog.  She also is very creative and produces wonderful quilts.
  6. Evelyn - Evelyn is also part of the Stash Quilts webring so I've been reading her blog for a number of years as well.  Evelyn is a prolific seamstress, quilter and cook in addition to spending many hours with her little boy doing lots of interesting activities, all of which she documents with numerous wonderful photographs. 
So everyone go check out these great blogs!


Darling Jill Quilts said...

Awesome choices! Some of those are ones that I follow, too!

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Thank you for the very fun award! I am always happy to have readers... some days I wonder if anyone reads, but I still type away! Cheers! Evelyn