Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Tall "Bleeding" Clarification

While I was certainly perplexed by the amount of color in the color catcher sheets when I washed my Long Tall quilt, I want to clarify that there was NO actual bleeding in the quilt.  I think Wanda's comment today explained how that could be, so thank you to her for clearing up some of the confusion.

Like Wanda, I have never had a batik actually bleed.  In fact, I have a Jewel Box batik quilt on our bed that has been washed a number of times.  The background on the top is white with numerous dark batiks and there is not one spec of bleeding in that quilt, but the backing batik fabrics seem to release dye onto the color catcher sheets when washed, much like Long Tall did.  I thought that quilt was a fluke until the same thing happened with Long Tall.

So, the bottom line is don't be afraid to use those batiks! 


Marjorie said...

Whew! You had me worried. I'm nearly finished with the Joseph's Coat which I did entirely in batiks on a white background. Your earlier post had me worried.

Loris said...

Good news :-) Laura, thanks for drawing attention to Wanda's comment. That makes good sense and helps ease any worries :-)